Monday, November 19, 2007


I'm pretty excited because.....

the holidays are around the corner

Brandi and Joe visit tomorrow and will be here through Sunday - we spend Thanksgiving together!

It's finally getting colder outside

Planning for Christmas at work has been really fun

We get to go home for Christmas in a month and 2 days to visit families in KS

I had some great conversations with friends this past weekend

My friend Caroline is getting married in a little over 2 months!

I am going to start memorizing scripture, I have been going through a Bible study format, it takes a lot of discipline but it will be an adventure

I get to leave work at 1 tomorrow to go pick Brandi and Joe up from the airport

We are having a Thanksgiving potluck at work tomorrow

Christmas decorations are going up in about a week

Jen and I are having a slumber party next Friday!

John takes his CFA exam 1 week from Saturday!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Great pictures

Hello! I thought I'd include some pictures from the past few weeks...

Some wonderful people I got to visit in Kansas City a few weeks ago. It was a refreshing weekend.
I dressed up as a pumpkin to work on Halloween, this is the costume my grandma made for my mom when she was little. Still in great shape!

John and I went as a Roman Soldier and Queen Esther to our Church's trunk-or-treat event Halloween night. We had a blast passing out candy and helping with various games, including pin the nose on the jack-o-lantern, ring toss over the pumpkin, and darts.

We enjoyed hanging out with Jen and James last night. They had us over for dinner and a bday celebration, it was lots of fun!