Thursday, August 16, 2007

Captured moments

I got my hair cut a fews days ago...

It's fun to have it short again! ;)

Below are some pictures of John and I from our 1 year anniversary. We had a great evening. I got him an electric razor, gum, and a "Memories of Us" journal. He gave me some really pretty diamond earrings. We also enjoyed a delicious dinner at a nice Italian restaurant - Pompilios.

Eating our year old wedding cake. Yes, a little stale though not as bad as we expected. The frosting was still really good!

My mom and Tip and Lindsay are coming 2 weeks from tomorrow!

Something fun that happened at work today - I've decided to implement a dress code for the Activity department. Khaki pants and solid color polos - they have 4 choices of colors. It will be consistent and look professional I think.

Sunday, August 12, 2007


Hello there!!!

Guess it's been a while since I've updated. Things are going well here in Kentucky.

My job continues to go well, we are up to 87 residents... 87!!! And I started with only 2. It's my year anniversary next Wednesday. We currently have 6 people in the Activity department and I am looking to hire two more people still. Supervising is challenging at times but I like it overall.
Harvest is starting soon for John. He will be working long days starting in the fall, I'll probably beat him home from work!
John and I have began teaching a Sunday school class at the Nazarene church that we've been attending. It's a young marrieds class, today was the first day of it. We weren't sure if we were right to teach it since we ourselves are young marrieds! But it's really more like a Bible study/discussion format. We are going through a book, called 'Making a Marriage'. There are 5 young married couples in the church. We'll keep you updated on it. It's been a great opportunity for us and we are excited about how God will use our time together!
This past month has been full of exciting news also - my friend Caroline is getting married AND John and I are having some visitors over Thanksgiving - our friends Brandi and Joe! They will be heading out here the Tuesday before Thanksgiving and stay through Sunday.
We also look forward to having my mom, Tip, and his wife Lindsay out here for Labor Day weekend!
John has began looking around at different grad school prospects and is currently working on his resume. He is studying hard for the CFA exam which he takes December 1st.

Oh and we also had a wonderful 1 year anniversary celebratioln - started out the weekend spending time with John's grandparents and ended it with a nice dinner at Pompilios, an Italian restaurant in Newport followed by homemade ice cream at Graeters.
I will post some more pictures soon.

Blessings to you all!