Thursday, August 16, 2007

Captured moments

I got my hair cut a fews days ago...

It's fun to have it short again! ;)

Below are some pictures of John and I from our 1 year anniversary. We had a great evening. I got him an electric razor, gum, and a "Memories of Us" journal. He gave me some really pretty diamond earrings. We also enjoyed a delicious dinner at a nice Italian restaurant - Pompilios.

Eating our year old wedding cake. Yes, a little stale though not as bad as we expected. The frosting was still really good!

My mom and Tip and Lindsay are coming 2 weeks from tomorrow!

Something fun that happened at work today - I've decided to implement a dress code for the Activity department. Khaki pants and solid color polos - they have 4 choices of colors. It will be consistent and look professional I think.


Lindsay Moore said...

Hi Missy!!! I LOVE the new haircut and had so much fun tonight reading all your updates. I can't wait to see you guys over Labor Day!

Heather said...

Hey Missy! love the haircut! I hope you guys had a great labor day! talk to you soon!